Mount a Windows share on Linux with Samba
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Mount a Windows share on Linux with Samba

Author:  Sven Knispel
Updated:  2004-11-01

This article describes how to set up a share from a Linux box to a Windows box. Samba has to be installed.
To test if your Linux machine sees the shares on the Windows box: smbclient -L <windows-box> -U <username>

  1. Make a directoy for the mountpoint: mkdir /mnt/<name-of-mount-point>
  2. Mount the share: mount -t smbfs -o username=<username>,password=<password> //<win-box>/<share> /mnt/<name-of-mountpoint> Note: The syntax -username=<username>,password=<password> saves the password.
  3. Create a symbolic link to the mounted drive: ln -s /mnt/<name-of-mount-point> /<path-of-symlink>