Setting up the VNC server and client to run X applications
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Setting up the VNC server and client to run X applications

Author:  Christophe Gevrey
Updated:  [udate]

On the server side

You have to set the password and to start the server. You do not have to execute commands as root.

Set the password

Password: [type your password]
Verify: [re-type your password]

Start the server


The following should appear on your console:

New 'linuxbox:1 (username)' desktop is linuxbox:1

Starting applications specified in /home/username/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/username/.vnc/linuxbox:1.log

On the client side

Start the VNC viewer

in the connection info: [linuxbox:1]
password: [the password you have specified above]

in the X window type:

vncconfig SecurityTypes=None

Run your application...
in the X window type your application name:
