Install and Use TTF-Fonts
Author: Sven Knispel
Updated: 2004-11-13
After fiddling with the fonts and sizes to get my desktop (Gnome) look good on my laptop I figured that the Windows standard fonts Tahoma look better than Bitstream.
To install TTF-Font using the GUI proceed as follows:
- Log on as root
- Open the "Computer" and select "File-Open Location"
- Enter location "fonts:"
- Proceed to the directory where for TTF-fonts are located (e.g. your "Windows/fonts" directory on a Windows partition)
- Copy the fonts to the "fonts:" location
- Open the "Font preferences" and change the fonts (I use "Tahoma 8" as "Application font", "Desktop font" and "Windows title font")
- Set the "Font rendering" to suit your display (for me "Best contrast" work the best on my laptop)